Flying Colours 英語課程
一個配搭 Phonics和閱讀計劃的K1- K3螺旋式英文繪本課程
Flying Colours Curriculum is designed with Hong Kong public kindergartens in mind. Based on the class size, student ability, and teaching schedule, schools can choose what suits their students best. Most importantly, ongoing teacher training and class observations go hand-in-hand with our systematic curriculum, which includes our unique Phonics and Reading Programme.
對於有意在九月份實施 Flying Colours 的學校,請於同年一月份與我們聯繫,以便進行適當規劃和培訓。
- 涵蓋香港教育局課程指引所訂定的學習範疇
- 包括詳盡教案、原創童謠、兒歌和一系列的教具
- 每本繪本都附有一本特別編制的活動冊, 讓學生重溫上課活動內容
- 為了讓幼兒培養閱讀興趣和能力,我們的閱讀計劃根據拼音課程編寫, 令學生輕鬆掌握拼讀技巧
- 我們更製作了一些簡單易明的拼音教學短片供家長參考